Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Memoirs of a Lost Sheep

The following entry you are about to read is a reality-based fictional story about God's goodness.

The moment Adam and Eve plucked the fruit from the tree of life and ate it,pain started to integrate itself into the system of man. Pain was, and still is becoming rampant all over the planet. As one of the Laws of Thermodynamics states, "nature favors chaos because chaos is spontaneous"and pain,whether we like it or not, will always be a part of chaos. One might put pain as a physical experience,others emotional and some, spiritual. Despite their differences, these three are all the same; they are all manifestations of pain. Most of us do not want to experience such misery and suffering but during our lifetime, we still experience pain,no matter how hard we try to hide from it. Pain is something that we humans cannot simply eradicate and escape from.

I have existed in this chaotic world for 17 years and during these years, I have experienced numerous pains that were not really fit to be taken in by a child. These pains sculpted me into becoming who I am today: a rebelious, free-spirited teenager seemingly stuck in the middle of it all.

I can say that my parents and I are not really in good terms with each other because they cannot cope up with me - my rebelious nature. I always thought that my family wanted to inflict pain towards me for that. But in a blink of an eye, all my thoughts, have been put t o reverse and suddenly, I realized that I was the root cause of my own pain.Seeing my family suffer because of me,felt like my guts were beeing turned inside out. This was the pain that I failed to realize and before it'd be too late, I decided to run away,hoping that my family's hurt and pain would be eased by it.

As I walked to the world, the valley of death, I couldn't help but get this feeling of emptiness and loneliness inside me. Despite all that, I still continued to walk. I let tested fate and have it take its toll on me.I wanted to have a taste of success,I wanted to see and feel the light. However, all I saw are shadows. Shadows that tormented me and reminded me of my past. And then there was.. darkness.

I hate to admit it,but I was lost. No one guided me. No one looked for me,or expected for my return. All I had was myself. Me, myself and I- who stumbled, fell and crumbled. Before I knew it, I found myself slowly falling... THUMP! I fell.

In the midst of all my misery, I still searched for someone to comfort me, to share my pain and ease my burden. But there was none. No one to talk to, no one to laugh with or cry with. No one. I was alone.

As I felt the cold ground brush against my face, I noticed that I couldn't get up. I just couldn't. Suddenly, someone dared to step out of the shadows. I couldn't see his face in the darkness,but I felt the warmth nof his soul that approached me. He helped me get back up,and led me away from the darkness,from the cold. And then,there was light.

A blinding light I have never seen before. In this light, I felt comfort instead of fear and warmth instead of cold. I turned around to see who helped me. I saw a blind man, dressed in tattered clothes. But he was no ordinary man. I looke around to see where I was and right in front of me was a cross. Inscribed on the cross was,“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost(Luke 19:10)". I fell to my knees and cried. God has given my life a new direction. A new path I knew that I should take. The blind man,as it turned out, saw better than I did. I got so blinded by the darkness that I failed to see the light that casted the shadows. Sometimes, even the blind can see better than we do.

I stood up, reached for my pocket, and saw that I only had a few pennies left. It was all the money that I got. On the contrary, I decided to give it away to the blind man, whom I felt needed it more than I did. He didn't want my money,as he told me that he only intended to help me and lead me back to the light. Since I was already in the light, he was already satisfied since he made me see the glory of God and I who was once lost, was already found.

I thanked God for giving me the blind man to help me realize that whenever I get lost, whenever there's no one I could turn to, God will be and will always be there,waiting for me with open arms.

I also thanked the blind man for helping me and bid him goodbye. I went back to our house,expecting to get scolded but somehow wanting to apologize to my family for all the hurt I caused them because of my selfishness. When I reached for the door knob,the door opened by itself and right in front of me, I saw my parents and my siblings,just like God, welcome me with open arms.

My name is Melissa, and this is my story. To all those who are lostout there, return to the light before the darkness(the world) consumes you.

Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

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